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Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to our blog! Here you are going to get familiar with numerous wonderful solutions, which we have collected. The Internet of Things goes ahead by leaps and bounds. The implementation of some systems is a path to a surge in your company’s revenue and productivity.

The IoT brings new possibilities

The Internet of Things refers to the billions of physical devices, which are connected to the Internet. Their task is to collect and transmit the data to the IoT platforms. Thus, the IoT platforms are crucial things in analyzing the data.

The Internet of Things offers endless possibilities for companies working in the following areas:

  • Retail. A good example is vending machines. Connected to the Internet, they send you information about the number of customers and stocks.  

  • Manufacture. There is a need to remove the humane factor in certain factories. All processes can be controlled by computers. Moreover, it is a good idea so that gadgets manage the lights, water, heating, ventilation, and so on.

  • Warehouses. The IoT is used to improve the visibility of inventory levels, facilitate product tracking, and obtain accurate data analytics.

  • Shipping. In the supply chain, the manufacturer is not sure if its products will be safe and delivered on time. Modern systems allow you to track cars, ships, planes, and shipping conditions (temperature, humidity, and so forth).  

  • Security. It is strongly recommended to launch the video surveillance and install several sensors, which would react to movements. As soon as someone puts any weight on your territory, the system turns on the alarm.

We just have to tell you about the latest innovations!

Wonderful IoT Solutions

Our blog is focused on equipment (hardware), cloud solutions (software), and different pieces of advice that are going to simplify you to launch progressive IoT solutions. We are trying to touch upon all the above areas and hope that this blog will help your business.

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IoT in Healthcare Industry
IoT in Healthcare Industry

We together with app developers from are sure that everybody would like to receive medical care online or, at least, wait in hospitals for less time. The IoT technologies bring the wishes to life. Let’s consider some of the Internet of Things solutions in the Healthcare Industry (IoMT).

What’s the IoT in Healthcare Sphere

There are so many systems but with a few common aims: to simplify our life and expedite the service speed. Some solutions are based on the software using cloud platforms while others require equipment as well (computers, sensors, hubs, and so on). The IoT has a wide range of use: from remote supervision to using intelligent sensors and smart bracelets. Thus, the Internet of Things is a group of devices or services, which work all alone.

Some reports are saying (one of them is from Market Research Engine) the IoMT market is going to reach a volume of 158 billion by 2022. Market Research Engine experts estimated the average market growth rate (CAGR) at 30.8% between 2016 and 2022.

The main reasons to launch modern solutions are:

  • Reducing healthcare costs;

  • Developing Artificial Intelligent technologies:

  • Increasing investment volume;

  • Improving the efficiency of the work process.

Unfortunately, not each hospital is aware of the available solutions, so patients have to endure the current situation. Besides that, there are also issues linked with compatibility and security. According to the opinion of analytics, the number of connected devices and the huge amount of information can be a real challenge faced by hospital IT departments.

It’s worth mentioning there are IoMT technologies for hospitals and patients. The first ones allow doctors to monitor sick people while the second ones are bracelets and other devices helping them track a person’s condition.

Examples of the Internet of Medical Things

Remote health control

We are sure you have heard about telemedicine. This technology means the remote monitoring of a patient’s condition. A person doesn’t need to visit a hospital, because a doctor’s work is performed by various gadgets with special software. Moreover, using different devices guarantees the accuracy of medical tests.

Ensuring the workability of systems

Having all equipment in working condition is the most important thing in the healthcare industry. Before, hospital staff had to monitor each appliance and sometimes it didn’t work out. Today smart solutions can do that independently. An example is e-Alert from Philips. Instead of waiting for the device to fail, e-Alert predicts possible malfunctions, monitors medical equipment, and warns hospital staff about possible issues.

Ensuring security

If the hospital has branches or subsidiaries in different cities or even countries, in most cases it is hard to provide security and the same work environment for each employee. Modern technologies come to the rescue and, besides staff, allow monitoring also patients, and equipment. Using GPS, doctors are able to see the people’s location and send this information to the ambulance if necessary.

Reducing the waiting time

One of the features is competent time management. Sinai Medical Center in New York has managed to reduce the waiting time for 50 percent of emergency department patients by an hour. This hospital has 1,1 thousand beds and 90% of them are occupied by “residents”, so every saved minute is important.

One example of such a system is AutoBed. The solution has been made to track free beds by taking into account the person’s wishes (the ability to call a nurse and so on).

Examination of the internal cavities of a person

Thanks to the Internet of Medical Things, it is possible to find out what’s the condition of internal organs. Doctors use pillows with embedded cameras, which is a convenient method of medical examination.

We have listed only a small part of all IoMT possibilities. The implementation of modern technology should be the priority goal of any hospital because our health and life depend on it.
